Want to do something meaningful? Help a refugee family with a seriously disabled child settle in the USA .
Sponsorship can take many forms. Here are a few of the things you can commit to do as a sponsor:
Airport Reception
Help Find/Apply for Affordable Housing
Thrifting and/or Purchasing furniture and household necessities
Help family to get utilities turned on, including phones and internet
Help family apply for benefits (MEDICAL ASSISTANCE: Medicaid, Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), or Refugee Medical Assistance (as applicable): INCOME AND CASH ASSISTANCE: Refugee Cash Assistance, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (as applicable); NUTRITION ASSISTANCE: Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program; Supplemental Security Income, Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC), subsidized childcare.
Help Family apply for MA Health Care coverage (Especially important for Jawad!)
Apply for documentation prior to arrival. Social Security Cards are applied for overseas and arrive after the refugee newcomer lands in the United States. Employment Authorization Documents (EADs) are similarly applied for overseas through an I-765 form.
Transporting to, and helping set up initial medial screening in USA.
Helping to find Doctors, Dentists and other health care professionals, including specialist for Jawad.
Help Enrolling in School and help parents navigate what is expected of the children and parents
Helping children to sign up/get involved in activities.
Helping Family sign up for and attend ESL classes.
Finding volunteer translators.
Facilitating cultural connections for the family, including helping to find other Syrian families and mosque.
Helping family find/attend Community Orientation classes, or providing one on one orientation to life in the USA.
Helping the Father and Mother find employment
Helping the family navigate transportation needs
Taking the lead on required paperwork.
Make A Difference.
This family has been on an UNHCR waitlist to get relocated to a country taking refugees for a long time. For some the wait can be 20-30 years. Meanwhile, families languish in camps or poor areas further away from the camps, barely surviving.